Three Wedding Planning “Don’t”s (and What To Do Instead)
Are you planning a wedding in the very near future? Well, a lot of people are going to give you advice about what they think you should do when booking your Le Crystal reception hall—and a lot of it will probably have some merit—but here are some things you might want to avoid (and, perhaps, what you should do instead).
DON’T #1: DON’T Automatically Exclude A Venue
There are many reasons you are going to overlook a potential venue and that could be a big mistake. Perhaps you don’t like the location or perhaps you went to a different event there and was not pleased with the service or the décor. No matter the reason, do not simply exclude the venue and overlook it. Sure, you don’t have to put it at the very top of your list, but if you are still struggling to find the right venue, consider ones that you might not prefer.
At the same time, when you are amazed at what a venue has to offer, you should not assume that you simply can’t afford it. Compare it with other venues to see the true value of the venue: it might cost a little more, but you might get even more for your money.
DON’T #2: DON’T Lose Track Of Your Priorities
It is very easy to get swept up in the fantasy of it all when planning a wedding. You will look at dresses/gowns (materials, trims, cuts, colors, fits) and bouquets and venues and entertainers and the list goes on and on. And in all of that hullaballoo you can lose focus; but that loss of focus can result in big regrets.
And in this case, if you sign your name on the dotted line and fork over the deposit, there is no way to annul it because you realize you can’t afford it in the end. Basically, never make a decision in the moment, take some time and weigh your options.
DON’T #3: DON’T Be Afraid to Negotiate
Lets end this list on a positive note: Always negotiate. Venues typically have a set starting price, and this is often dependent on the date. But there are so many variables that it is totally possible to negotiate all of the many options that might be available. In many cases, simply knowing how many guests will be in attendance can open the door (because it’s a set base price regardless).